Alueen Hammas_IHammas_KaksiRivi_Sini
Alueen Hammas_IHammas_KaksiRivi_Valk varjolla
Providing a comfortable bite and a beautiful smile with over 30 years of experience
Foundations and repairs even while waiting


A special dental technician is a dental prosthesis expert who produces full dentures directly to their users and repairs and primes all loose prostheses even during the waiting period during the same day. As a specially trained producer, fitter and carer of full dentures we offer all services from the same location. We design and produce individually fitted dentures directly to our client. The appearance and fit of the dentures with our client’s face is important, especially within the mouth area. Our services have long standing traditions.

Our dentures highlight

  • Free consulting and great appropriate service
  • Finnish handicraft
  • High quality prostheses
  • 1 year warranty for new prostheses
  • 2 year warranty for prostheses with a metal frame
  • Annual check-ups for our prostheses are free

Tooth prosthetics aka. dentures are an important part of health and welfare

Our business is aesthetic, modern and functional. Our dental laboratory is specialized in all fixed and loose tooth prosthetics involved in the field. We provide services for both private individuals and dental professionals.

Our services include:

  • Loose dental prostheses
  • Loose prostheses with a metal frame
  • Attachments under implants and prostheses
  • Bite rails and sleep apnea rails
  • prosthesis cleaning and maintenance
  • Free annual check-ups for mouth and prostheses (for our prostheses)
  • No additional fees for home and clinic visits

Careful work produces a well fitted and functional prosthesis

The function and bite of the teeth is just as important as their appearance. Producing prosthetics is a process where we usually look for the best individual fit with about 2 to 4 fitting sessions. The special dental technician does this for the client directly as clinical work.

Customer groups:

  • Dental prosthesis users
  • Dentists
  • Home service customers
  • Dental rail users
  • Sleep apnea rail users

Collaboration with dental professionals for the client’s benefit

We work in close collaboration with dental professionals and direct our clients to dentists for oral disease treatment and tooth repair when needed.

  • Implant crowns and implant bridges
  • Traditional crowns and bridges
  • Ceramic laminates
  • Loose tooth prostheses
  • Metal prostheses
  • Dental rails etc.
  • All digital copies

Call and ask for a delivery time!

Dental implants

We are also specialized in implant prostheses. Many of us have lost teeth. Artificial roots are a safe and reliable way to replace a single tooth, a few teeth or all teeth. Even prosthesis users may need 2-4 implants to assure that the dental prostheses fit well. After the treatment, the result will look and feel like natural teeth that let you enjoy smiling, eating and life to the fullest.

Tooth guards and snoring dental rails

Ice hockey, judo, karate and boxing are examples of fast paced sports where injuries, even tooth injuries, are common. Damage to teeth can be prevented with individually fitted dental guards. The individually prepared dental guards have excellent fit and provide good protection. We provide dental guards with the Play Safe method and sleep apnea and snoring dental rails.


One year without interest through Resurs Bank.
Read the terms and conditions for the loan:

Who can get a loan:

  • You are at least 24 years old
  • You don’t have a payment failure record
  • You have regular work or pension income (over 800€  gross income with loans under 3000 € and at least 1 1 300€ with loans over 3000€)

We give new jobs a one year warranty. Inspections are free.


Our professional staff serves you to the best of our ability.

Ilkka Garaisi

  • Special dental technician since the year 1993 who has served over 8000 patients during his carreer
  • Long time experience of dental prosthetics since the year 1981
  • Works as a special dental technician trainer in Finland and abroad.
  • Dental collection designer, designed the popular Delara Kulzer collection known all the way through South America and Australia.
  • Part of the board of directors for the special dental technician union since 1999
  • European special dental technician union: dental technician number 21/1800


  • International work honorable mentions:
    • Finland’s representative in
    • IFD (Inernational Federation of Denturists) since the year 2005


  • IFD’s most respected acknowledgement: Brotherhood of Sterkenburgers medal 9.11.2019
  • Trained and directed co-operation of dentists from the city of Vaasa and special dental technicians.
  • A long term hobby and professional agenda: Worked together with the Ministry of Basic Services with the goal of getting faster and safer prosthetics to Finnish consumers with a good price to quality ration.

Aki Pakka

Aki has worked as a dental worker since August 2003. Aki finished his undergraduate dental technician’s degree with an apprenticeship and graduated as a dental laboratory technician in the year 2012. Currently studying to be a dental technician in Turku.


Heli Hakala

Heli finished his undergraduate dental technician’s degree with an apprenticeship and graduated as a dental laboratory technician in the year 2006.


Svetlana Sundqvist

Svetlana finished his undergraduate dental technician’s degree with an apprenticeship and graduated as a dental laboratory technician in the year 2020.